Wednesday, 30 May 2012

Two new 310's to Norway!!

It is official: this July two new 310's are arriving for Norwegian customers. One of them testsailed with me during the Oscarsborg training, and I have spoken to both of them on several occasions. Cool! If my memory serves me correct, then we have 7 310's currently in Norway!

One of the boats will be used in the Oslo fjord, while the other is going to Stavanger as far as I know.

A happy testsailor on board Silverminken!

Congratulations to both new owners!


Tore said...

Så bra! Du har fått med deg at vi kun skal rundt Hollænderbåen?

silverminken said...

Ja, fikk med meg det, endring til bane H. Litt synd, men sånn ble det.